
What Our Clients Think

"Technical Exercises (TEX) is superior to any method I have used in the past, not because of the difficulty of the exercises, but more because of the way this book is organized. Every time a page is turned, you have all the exercises in a new key. Also, the page at the back of the book used for keeping track of student progress is great for me, the director, as well as the student. In the short time that I have been in this teaching assignment, the success my band has enjoyed is largely due to implementing the TEX method."

Charles Noud

Coolidge Middle School - Granite City, Illinois

"I really enjoy this book! We are reaping the benefits from it! My 8th Graders now know there is a thing called a Key Signature, and we must follow it! We are finished with Bb, Ab, Eb, and F. We are going to begin C next week.

My favorite part of the book is the lip slurs and chromatic! It is great to have resources for a warm-up, including access over the break, lip slurs, and breathing! Thank you again for your helpful advice before I dove in . . . it has really helped."

Tricia Holm

Washington Middle School - Washington, Missouri

After 5+ years of use, I have found the "TEX System" to be a concise, sequenced, and effective system for methodically improving my concert bands. From beginners to more advanced players, the system incorporates essential development exercises into the daily warm-up. This results in students that are covering scales, intervals, tonguing, chromatics, lip slurs, and counting exercises in the first 5 minutes of playing! As Ed Lisk's research has shown, this is a critical point in the student's learning curve during a band rehearsal. As a director, I can feel confident that these essential skills and concepts are being addressed daily, at an optimum learning level through the TEX System.

At the higher levels, more advanced concepts such as double tonguing, sight-reading, and range building are incorporated by building on the format of earlier levels. This makes for a smooth transition to the new concepts and greater student success. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Sean Bippen

Hardin Middle School - St. Charles, Missouri

"One of the struggles of a small town director is finding material that is streamlined for the entire band. the TEX books have been a valuable addition to our library, leading to many young musicians comprehending the importance of daily scales and studies. I recommend the TEX book to any young director that needs a good book to work with and to develop their program!"

Moises Santos

Director of Bands for Grapeland ISD, Grapeland, Texas

"The TEX book by Dennis Meyer has taken my students' technique to a new level. The books are well written and contain a wide variety of exercises in every key which helps to keep middle school students engaged. After talking to Mr. Meyer at the Missouri music educators conference I truly felt that he had the students best interests in mind while writing his book. Mr Meyer is an outstanding educator who has used his experiences to create an excellent resource for band students of all levels. I am very thankful to have discovered his book and since we have implemented it our program has seen an increase in success. We look forward to using his book for many years to come."

Nate Boxdorfer

Director of Bands at Woodridge Middle School, Northwest R-1 School District, Missouri

”With TEX, our warmups gained structure and direction and our assessments had real purpose. Every student, regardless of ability, made substantial improvement to their technique. TEX was a game changer for our bands.”

Mark Blackmore

Band Director (Retired) Washington, Missouri

The TEX books have been great for my kids.

"We use TEX to warm up every day in all of my classes. The different difficulty levels mean there's a perfect set of exercises for each of my ability-based ensembles, and students can carry the same book with them across multiple years. The TEX book also helps students to better incorporate scales into their individual practice. Even though students know the importance of practicing scales, they often struggle to actually do so. Having scales and exercises laid out for them in every key and various difficulty levels in the TEX books means every student can find exercises they can already play with confidence, as well as exercises to challenge them and expand their abilities."

Isabel McPherson

Music Teacher (Orchestra), California